

A bucket for your shell (like a set of registers, or a clipboard manager)

What is meant by 'bucket-size' of queue in the google app engine?

Google app engine task queues have configuration as (example)


Here, what does the 'bucket-size' mean? I could not find a comprehensive documentation about this in google app engine documentation.

Does specifying this as 10 means that if 100 tasks are queued at an instant only 10 of those will be put in the queue and rest will be ignored?

Source: (StackOverflow)

I am studing couchbase, can anyone exlain what exactly is bucket and vbucket?

I am studing couchbase now, I am really confused by the official description of the term 'bucket' and 'vbucket', can anybody explain what exactely a bucket or vbucket is ? what's the difference? Better to make some analogies and give some examples.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is there an open-source equivalent to Amazon S3? [closed]

Is there an open-source equivalent to the Amazon S3 storage service running under Linux?

For example a bucket-based file system like:

  • store file -> get unique id
  • access file by unique id
  • delete file by unique id
  • query files by timestamp
  • ...


Source: (StackOverflow)

Hashcode bucket distribution in java

Suppose I need to store 1000 objects in Hashset, is it better that I have 1000 buckets containing each object( by generating unique value for hashcode for each object) or have 10 buckets roughly containing 100 objects?

1 advantage of having unique bucket is that I can save execution cycle on calling equals() method?

Why is it important to have set number of buckets and distribute the objects amoung them as evenly as possible?

What should be the ideal object to bucket ratio?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Delete object or bucket in Amazon S3?

I created a new amazon bucket called "photos". The bucket url is something like:


Now I upload subfolders containing files, into that bucket for example


My questions are, does thumbs/ is assumed a new bucket or is it an object?

Then if I want to delete the entire thumbs/ directory need I first to delete all files inside that or can I delete all in one time?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Storing a bucket of numbers in an efficient data structure

I have a buckets of numbers e.g. - 1 to 4, 5 to 15, 16 to 21, 22 to 34,.... I have roughly 600,000 such buckets. The range of numbers that fall in each of the bucket varies. I need to store these buckets in a suitable data structure so that the lookups for a number is as fast as possible.

So my question is what is the suitable data structure and a sorting mechanism for this type of problem.

Thanks in advance

Source: (StackOverflow)

Use XSLT 1.0 to group XML elements into buckets, in order, based on some criteria

Say I had some XML that I wanted to convert to HTML. The XML is divided into ordered sections:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <section attr="someCriteria">
    <h1>Title 1</h1>
    <p>paragraph 1-1</p>
    <p>paragraph 1-2</p>
  <section attr="someOtherCriteria">
    <h3>Subtitle 2</h3>
      <li>list item 2-1</li>
      <li>list item 2-2</li>
      <li>list item 2-3</li>
      <li>list item 2-4</li>
  <section attr="anotherSetOfCriteria">
      Warning: This product could kill you
  <section attr="evenMoreCriteria">
      You were warned
  <section attr="criteriaSupreme">
    <p>Copyright 1999-2011</p>

I have several of these XML documents. I need to group and transform these sections based on criteria. There will be two different kinds of buckets.

  • So the first section will go in a bucket (e.g.<div class="FormatOne"></div>)
  • If the second section meets the criteria to qualify for the "FormatOne" bucket it will also go in this bucket
  • If the third section requires a different bucket (e.g.<div class="FormatTwo"></div>) then a new bucket is created and section contents are placed in this bucket
  • If the bucket for the fourth section requires "FormatOne" (which is different than the previous format) then a new bucket is created again and section contents are placed in this bucket
  • etc. Each section would go into the same bucket as the previous section if they are the same format. If not, a new bucket is created.

So for each document, depending on the logic for separating buckets, the document may end up like this:

  <div class="FormatOne">
    <h1>Title 1</h1>
    <p>paragraph 1-1</p>
    <p>paragraph 1-2</p>
    <h3>Subtitle 2</h3>
      <li>list item 2-1</li>
      <li>list item 2-2</li>
      <li>list item 2-3</li>
      <li>list item 2-4</li>
  <div class="FormatTwo">
    <span class="warningText">
      Warning: This product could kill you
  <div class="FormatOne">
    <span class="disclaimerText"> You were warned</span>
    <p class="copyright">Copyright 1999-2011</p>


  <div class="FormatOne">
    <h1>Title 1</h1>
    <p>paragraph 1-1</p>
    <p>paragraph 1-2</p>
    <h3>Subtitle 2</h3>
  <div class="FormatTwo">
      <li>list item 2-1</li>
      <li>list item 2-2</li>
      <li>list item 2-3</li>
      <li>list item 2-4</li>
  <div class="FormatOne">
    <span class="warningText">
      Warning: This product could kill you
    <span class="disclaimerText"> You were warned</span>
    <p class="copyright">Copyright 1999-2011</p>

or even this:

  <div class="FormatOne">
    <h1>Title 1</h1>
    <p>paragraph 1-1</p>
    <p>paragraph 1-2</p>
    <h3>Subtitle 2</h3>
      <li>list item 2-1</li>
      <li>list item 2-2</li>
      <li>list item 2-3</li>
      <li>list item 2-4</li>
    <span class="warningText">
      Warning: This product could kill you
    <span class="disclaimerText"> You were warned</span>
    <p class="copyright">Copyright 1999-2011</p>

depending on how the sections are defined.

Is there a way to use an XSLT to perform this type of grouping magic?

Any help would be great. Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Amazon S3 is not serving files correctly

I made this site for my friend and I uploaded it to an Amazon S3 bucket (http://ballard26.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html) and when I go to that site the page doesn't load correctly and I have no idea why. Any ideas?

For example, the stylesheet.css doesn't load correctly. If you go to http://ballard26.s3.amazonaws.com/stylesheet.css, it downloads the file instead of loading it as CSS.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you rename a folder in a bucket on S3?

As simple as it sounds, it seems like an extraordinarily complicated task.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Android: How to query a list of bucket name

I want to retrieve only the name of the bucket (Albums). E.g. Camera, Download etc but not a list of Camera, Download etc from all the the photos so how do I retrieve one row each for each bucket name?

What I mean like in Gallery Application, you have albums first e.g. Camera. When you clicked on it, it show all the photos of the camera.

I can query the photos in a Camera Roll with the Where clause of the query. But what if I wanted only the name of each of the albums' name and not the photos, is it possible to query that? If I query all the photos and take only one row per set of photos, then it will be time consuming.

Please Help

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I restrict a S3 bucket's size?

I've been looking all over and I can't find a yes or no answer. Can I restrict a bucket in S3 to specific size?

If so, could you please point me into the right direction in doing so? Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Configure SSL for Amazon S3 bucket

I am using an Amazon S3 bucket for uploading and downloading of data using my .NET application. Now my question is: I want to access my S3 bucket using SSL. Is it possible to implement SSL for an Amazon s3 bucket?

Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

S3 policy limiting access to only one bucket (listing included)

I have a simple bucket that looks like images.mysite.com on my S3 and other buckets containing backups, etc. I want to allow a specific user to be able to access to the images.mysite.com bucket to upload images. However I DO NOT want him to see any of the other buckets, not even their existence.

I could not make a policy that does this... everything I try something restrictive it end up blocking the listing of any buckets...

Any ideas ?


Source: (StackOverflow)

how to delete files from amazon s3 bucket?

i need to write a code in python that will delete the required file from the amazon s3 bucket, i am able to make connections to the amazon s3 bucket and also able to save files, i just want to know how to delete a file? please help if anyone knows.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the difference between bucket sort and radix sort?

Bucket sort and radix sort are close cousins; bucket sort goes from MSD to LSD, while radix sort can go in both "directions" (LSD or MSD). How do both algorithms work, and in particular how do they differ?

Source: (StackOverflow)