
display interview questions

Top display frequently asked interview questions

Is there a way to move the taskbar to another monitor?

I am using Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 and three monitors. I would like for my taskbar to be moved to the third monitor. How can I get it over there instead of on my primary monitor?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Linux "Top" command for Windows Powershell?

I am looking for a PowerShell cmdlet that can provide similar functionality to the Linux Top app. Something that refreshes at some given interval and displays the process list with CPU % util.

I have seen scripts that list CPU % utilization in a loop but something like top would be way more handy as we have setup SSH/Powershell access for management (I still prefer a putty shell!)

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I view a list of all monitors connected in the past?

I'm usually connecting my laptop to a larger screen. I'm away from my desk for a few days and I'd like to know what model of monitor that is. I just remember the manufacturer, size and and native resolution. I know that Windows remembers previously connected monitors and their settings. Does it also remember more details about them, like monitor model?

Can I view a list of monitors that were connected to a computer in the past? I'm using Windows 10.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is CRT degaussing really dangerous for nearby laptops?

I have an old CRT connected to laptop as a secondary display. As you know, when CRT turns on it degausses itself; remember that sound when you turn it on, or force degaussing through menu.

CRTs have a copper, or often in the case of cheaper appliances, aluminum, coil wrapped around the front of the display, known as the degaussing coil. Tubes without an internal coil can be degaussed using an external hand held version. Internal degaussing coils in CRTs are generally much weaker than external degaussing coils, since a better degaussing coil takes up more space. A degauss causes a magnetic field inside the tube to oscillate rapidly, with decreasing amplitude.

I searched everywhere but couldn’t find if degaussing has effects on nearby hard drives? Is it dangerous to have CRT and laptop close (about 7-8 inches) ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the difference between 4K, UHD and QHD? Do we agree on one official resolution?

Nowadays it seems that Full HD isn’t enough anymore and the terms “4K,” “QHD” and “UHD” are thrown around interchangeably.

At the same time, there is not just one “4K” resolution in the catalogs. I have seen resolutions such as 2560 x 1600, 3440 x 1440, 3840 x 2160, 4096 x 2160 being advertised as 4K. But it can’t all be 4K, right?

Is it that 4K is not defined correctly, did the technology grow independent from the naming conventions, or do the advertising companies just refuse to burden the customers with correct informations?

Also, on a sidenote, if 4K means 4xFullHD (2 x 1920 by 2 x 1080 => 3840 x 2160), shouldn't FullHD be called 2K?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Removing dead thunderflies stuck inside an LCD monitor

This summer my flat was "attacked" by hundreds of tiny thunderflies, some of which managed to get behind the screen of my LCD. A few of the cursed creatures went and died right in the middle of the display: 

a thunderfly enters the LCD

And yes, this is real. Imagine my surprise when I saw one of these things crawling across the monitor, tried to swat the thing and realized it was inside!  

How do I go about removing them?

I have tried tapping the screen and shaking it but to no avail. They are very annoying to look at because they look like groups of dead pixels, or even (.) characters. 

Source: (StackOverflow)

Generating usage logs that prove my Internet connection is flaky

I need a way to generate reports or logs that prove that my Internet connection is flaky. My Comcast connection is very flaky but if I ask their support to send someone over it will probably work fine while the guy is here.

I found and tried "Connection Monitor" from CSGWare Corp but it does not create the kind of reports or graphs I'd need to be able to convince my ISP that their link is intermittent.

What I need to be able to do is have the software monitor my connection and produce a record of when the connection dies or when, for example, ping time climbs dramatically.

Can I get Connection Monitor to do this or is there another program that does?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does text look so Horrible on my HD monitor?

I just bought a 1080p 22" Samsung Syncmaster 2333HD (connected via HDMI) and the picture and video quality is great but the text quality is absolutely horrible. This monitor has a built in HD TV tuner.

Even as I type now all the text in this text box as well as in the browser toolbar and start menu, etc looks weird - like it all has a white outline around it that makes it jagged and hard to read. It hurts my eyes just to look at it.

I am running my PC in the suggested native resolution of 1920x1080, so what's the problem?

Is this one of the unavoidable downsides of using a HD monitor? Is there a solution to the problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Turn off display in Windows on command

Is there a way to turn off the display in Windows (7), preferably without using additional software?

Powershell script works fine, but leaves command-line window after turning on the display.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Connecting 2 External Monitors to a Laptop?

Equaling 3 Displays Total (or 2, if the laptop display cannot be used).

I work at home on two large monitors, but at the office on a laptop with a single large monitor. Is it possible to attach two (or more?) external monitors to a laptop without having them clone each-others display?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why don't websites immediately display their text these days?

I've noticed that recently many websites are slow to display their text. Usually, the background, images and so on are going to be loaded, but no text. After some time the text starts appearing here and there (not always all of it at the same time).

It basically works the opposite as it used to, when the text was displayed first, then the images and the rest was loading afterwards. What new technology is creating this issue? Any idea?

Note that I'm on a slow connection, which probably accentuates the problem.

See below for an example - everything's loaded but it takes a few more seconds before the text is finally displayed:

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the best way to clean an LCD monitor?

I have loads of grubby finger marks on my monitor (mine and smaller people's). I'm not sure how to clean them off without damaging the monitor.

What's the best way to safely clean dust, smudges and fingerprints off an LCD?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I dim my computer screen beyond the minimum?

I usually just use Fn + Left or Fn + Right to adjust my screen's brightness but the minimum settings are still too bright for me (especially when I'm working at night). I tried going through the Power Options in the Control Panel (plan brightness already at the lowest settings). Is there a way to dim my laptop's screen beyond the minimum?

I'm already using Fl.ux. I was wondering if there was a utility similar to it that adjusts my screen's brightness/contrast instead of its color temperature.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why are laptop screens sized the way they are?

We've been discussing this in the Comms Room on Serverfault, and thought it might make a good question on SuperUser...especially if there's a clear answer. The hope is that it is a Good Subjective question.

Why do laptop screen sizes come in the fractional sizes they do instead of 11/12/13/14/15"? The most frequent I see advertised are 11.6", 12.5", 13.3", 14", 15.6". What's the reasoning behind it? keyboard size? ergonomics? resolution requirements? Most are LCD screens just like TV's, and yet TV's are advertised as whole numbers (19", 26", 46", etc.).

Looking at actual LxWxD dimensions on laptops doesn't really help since screen bezels vary in size.

For instance:

example 11.6" laptop dimensions = 11.55" x 8.50" x 1.27" -- this is due to a rather large bezel.

Whereas my x1 carbon touch, 14" diagonal screen but dimensions = WQHD Touch: 13.03" x 8.94" x 0.55" (Front)-0.79" (Rear) -- again bezel...if it could be edge to edge that would be different, and "normal math" would insist the actual "monitor size" was about 15.5", which it is if you include the bezel.


Are there actual equations/ratios/mathematical factors in determining screen sizes on a laptop that make certain sizes more common than others? Note I stated screen size (like the common 11.6", 13.3", 15.6", etc.) and not actual dimensions of the monitor lid itself.


I'm asking why those particular fractional sizes are so common? Look at HP, Lenovo, and Dell. They all tend to go with those screen sizes. Is it because it is what the consumers are used to seeing/using? Is it dictated by resolution requirements that dictate the screen size (meaning 11.6" works out resolution wise, but 11.7" doesn't)? Or is it something else? If you want to hone in on one: Something somehow determined that 11.6" was a good common screen size...I'm curious what that was.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the correct monitor height for large monitors?

Conventional ergonomics guides suggest aligning the top of the monitor to where the operator looks at straight on. It seems doubtful that that still applies to today's 24" and 30" and larger displays.

What was the reasoning behind that rule? What's the correct way to position a huge display according to current research?

Would anyone have a reference to research confirming the "2/3 up" rule?

Source: (StackOverflow)