

a selector-based (à la CSS) templating and transformation system for Clojure Home · cgrand/enlive Wiki · GitHub enlive - a selector-based (à la css) templating and transformation system for clojure

Using templates from outside the src folder in enlive

Is it possible to serve a template from outside the source folder in enlive ?

I would like to pickup the templates from my resources/public/templates folder instead of the src/templates folder, how do I do that ?

Thanks, Murtaza

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use selector negation (but ...) in Enlive on a more complex HTML snippet?

I have got an HTML snippet similar to:

<div id="root">
    <div id="A" attrib_2="bar"></div>
    <div id="B" attrib_2="baz">
        <div id="H" attrib_1="gnu">
                <div id="F" attrib_2="baz"></div>
    <div id="C" attrib_2="owl"></div>
    <div id="D" attrib_2="uhu"></div>
    <div id="E" attrib_2="boom"></div>

Now, I would like to select all snippets having an attrib_2 (*[attrb_2]) excluding those being descendands of a node having attrib_1 set. There can be more nesting levels with arbitrary tags (like <p> in this example). With Enlive (http://enlive.cgrand.net/), I have already tried something like:

(select snippet [(but (attr? :attrib_1)) (attr? :attrib_2)])

But this doesn't work because the negation (but (attr? :attrib_1)) matches also the <p> tag. Is there a way to express this with the given selector predicates (http://enlive.cgrand.net/syntax.html), or do I have to write my own one?

Thanks in advance


Source: (StackOverflow)


Broken links when deploying Clojure webapps to Jetty with relative links and non-root context path

I've been experimenting with writing webapps in Clojure, and it's been pretty easy until now. I followed Chas Emerick's excellent screencast starting clojure and got an url shortener up and running pretty quickly. Next I wanted to be able to deploy it, and that's when the trouble started.

When I run it in development or deploy it to Jetty as the root webapp, everything is fine, but when I deploy it with a context path, it doesn't. Or, rather, it almost works. All my Compojure routes still work, but FORM action links in HTML files are broken and give me 404's.

This is the Compojure route setup:

  (defroutes app*
    (rt/resources "/")
    (GET "/" request (homepage request))
    (POST "/shorten" request
          (let [id (shorten (-> request :params :url))]
            (response/redirect "/")))
    (GET "/:id" [id] (redirect id)))

  (def app (compojure.handler/site app*))

And here is the HTML for the homepage template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Insert title here</title>
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" rel='nofollow' href="site.css" />
    <form method="POST" action="shorten">
        <input type="text" name="url" />
        <input type="submit" value="Shorten!" />

The problem is the action="shorten"URL. When deployed to Jetty with a context path of /example everything work fine, until I trigger the form submit. Then Jetty complains that it can't find localhost:8080/shorten which means (I think) that it's not being treated as a relative path, but an absolute one.

So, my question is: how to fix this? I guess I could just specify the full path in the action link, but that would be inflexible and make it harder to run the servlet in development. Is there a way to configure my way out of this? Or some magic URL prefix (like ~/ in Razor) that will just do the right thing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Enlive - Wrap tags around HTML from file

So I have the following HTML in logout.html:

<form id="log_out" name="log_out" action="/log_out" method="post">
  <input type="submit"
         value="Log Out!">

It looks like I need some function to read logout.html as enlive nodes (At least I think wrap takes nodes; I'm not actually sure).

(html/defsnippet nav "templates/nav.html" [:ul]
      [:ul] (html/append
                  (html/wrap :li (html/SOME-FUNCTION-IDK "templates/logout.html"))))

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rescraping data with Enlive

I tried to create function to scrape and tags from HTML page, whose URL I provide to a function, and this works as it should. I get sequence of <h3> and <table> elements, when I try to use select function to extract only table or h3 tags from resulting sequence, I get (), or if I try to map those tags I get (nil nil nil ...).

Could you please help me to resolve this issue, or explain me what am I doing wrong?

Here is the code:

(ns Test2 
  (:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]) 
  (:require [clojure.string :as string])) 

(defn get-page 
  "Gets the html page from passed url" 
  (html/html-resource (java.net.URL. url))) 

(defn h3+table       
    "returns sequence of <h3> and <table> tags"
  (html/select (get-page url) 
{[:div#wrap :div#middle :div#content :div#prospekt :div#prospekt_container :h3] 
[:div#wrap :div#middle :div#content :div#prospekt :div#prospekt_container :table]} 

(def url "http://www.belex.rs/trgovanje/prospekt/VZAS/show")

This line gives me headache :

(html/select (h3+table url) [:table])

Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong?

Just to clarify my question: is it possible to use enlive's select function to extract only table tags from result of (h3+table url) ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Range selectors in enlive

I'm trying to create a range selector, and can't seem to get off the ground.

I'm trying things like:

(sniptest "<div><p class='start'>Hi</p><p class='end'>There</p></div>"
      [{[:.start] [:.end]}] (content "Hello"))

And that just returns the supplied html. I'd expect it to return a div with the body "Hello".

How do I do this?


Just to be more concise, this is what I've done with deftemplate and a real html file:


  <h1>Not hello</h1>

<div class="start">

 <div class="end">


(ns compojure-blog-test.views.landing-page
  (:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]))

(html/deftemplate landing-page "compojure_blog_test/views/landing_page.html"
  {[:.start] [:.end]} (html/content "Blah blah"))

I'm following along with this tutorial, but it uses a snippet to match ranges. Is this neccesary?

Is it possible to test these out with just sniptest?

Source: (StackOverflow)

HTML extraction of MLA references with Enlive and Clojure

My objective is to extract and parse a series of bibliographical references from a webpage for entry into a database later. The references are all in MLA format. This should be a general solution, for all instances of MLA-format bibliographies, and should work on more than just the webpage indicated below.

Here is my attempt code, which doesn't work:

(use '[net.cgrand.enlive-html])

(def ^:dynamic *base-url* "https://www.impacttest.com/research/?Clinical-Research-Database-4")
(def ^:dynamic *ref-selector*     [:div#content_1 :ul :li])

(defn fetch-url [url]
  (html-resource (java.net.URL. url)))

(defn references []
  (select (fetch-url *base-url*) *ref-selector*))

(def ^:dynamic *ref-regex*    #"\s([A-Z]{1}[\w|\s]+)[,|\.]")
(def ^:dynamic *ref-modifier* `(remove :content))

(defmacro extract-re [node re modifier]
  `(doseq [seqs (map :content (node))]
    (re-find re (apply str (modifier seqs)))))

(extract-re references *ref-regex* *ref-modifier*)

(macroexpand-1 '(extract-re references *ref-regex* *ref-modifier*))

I would like the macro extract-re to create a doseq that runs a regex matcher (re-find) on all of the enlive nodes. There are two variables that need to change: one is the regex itself, and the other is the modifier, which modifies the enlive node before it's processed. Without the modifier, the regex will match both the authors and some titles. I tried writing a function, but couldn't get it to work in a general case, so I think a macro is the way to go.

On MLA references, I think it's easier to use the modifier on the enlive node than to do all of the extraction with regex, although I may be wrong on that. I can't think of how to do a regex that will only match the title or only the authors.

So, how do I pass the modifier to the macro and have it execute properly? I don't fully understand the quoting details of macros, so I may be way off on how I wrote the macro to begin with, or even if a macro is necessary.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to generate a list of a pair of elements in Enlive?

I'm new to Enlive. I found that I can iterate with clone-for, however, it works for single element. I want to generate a list of a pair of elements like the following:

  <a rel='nofollow' href="url1">item 1</a><br>
  <a rel='nofollow' href="url2">item 2</a><br>

I tried to select <a> and use clone-for, but end with following result:

  <a rel='nofollow' href="url1">item 1</a><a rel='nofollow' href="url2">item 2</a>......<br>

What do I do to repeat <a> with <br> in each iteration?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Enlive - extract original HTML

Is it possible to retrieve the original HTML (with its quirks and formatting) using enlive selectors?

(def data "<div class=\"foo\"><p>some text <br> some more text</p></div>") 
(apply str 
    (enlive/emit* (enlive/select (enlive/html-snippet data) 
                                 [:.foo :> enlive/any-node])))

=> "<p>some text <br /> some more text</p>"

In this example, enlive has transformed the <br> tag into a self-closing tag, unlike the original input snippet.

I suspect that enlive is transforming it into a hiccup-like list of tags, such that the original information is unfortunately lost.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Enlive template auto-reload / detect changes in a Pedestal service

I am using the autoreload-server example which is working great for reloading namespaces on changes to the .clj files using ns-tracker.


However, it is not picking up changes to enlive templates in the resources/public dir. I've added my template paths to the vector in defn watch:

`([] (watch ["src" "resources" "resources/public" "public"]))`

As well as this in the namespaces that use enlive deftemplate:

(net.cgrand.reload/auto-reload *ns*)

However this does not work. My assumption is ns-tracker only works for clj files, and that I am using the enlive reload feature incorrectly.

Is anyone using enlive and have this figured out, or have any ideas to try?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to scrape data from specified tag with Enlive?

could someone explain me how to scrape content from <td> tags where the <th> has content value (actually in this case I need content of <b> tag for matching operation) "Row1 title", but without scraping <th> tag (or any of its content) in process? Here is my test HTML:

<table class="table_class"> 
                              Row1 title
                         <td>Correct, has 3 td elements</td> 
                              Row2 title                                
                         <td>Correct, has 3 td elements</td> 

Data which I want to extract should come from these tags:

                     <td>Correct, has 3 td elements</td> 

I have managed to create function which returns entire content of the table, but I would like to exclude the <th> node from result, and to return only data from <td> nodes, which content I can use for further parsing. Can anyone help me with this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Clojure: How do you transform a lazyseq of map entries into a structmap?

I'm new to clojure and have been working with enlive to transform text nodes of html documents. My end goal is to convert the structure back into html, tags and all.

I'm currently able to take the structmap returned by enlive-html/html-resource and transform it back to html using

(apply str (html/emit* nodes))

where nodes is the structmap.

I'm also able to transform the structmap's :content text nodes as I wish. However, after transforming the content text nodes of the structmap, I end up with a lazyseq of MapEntries. I want to transform this back into a structmap so I can use emit* on it. This is a little tricky because the lazyseqs & structmaps are nested.


How do I transform:

([:tag :html]
 [:attrs nil]
   ([:tag :head]
    [:attrs nil]
     ("\n  "
      ([:tag :title] [:attrs nil] [:content ("Page Title")])
      "  \n")])
   ([:tag :body]
    [:attrs nil]
     ("\n  "
      ([:tag :div]
       [:attrs {:id "wrap"}]
        ("\n    "
         ([:tag :h1] [:attrs nil] [:content ("header")])
         "\n    "
         ([:tag :p] [:attrs nil] [:content ("some paragrah text")])
         "\n  ")])


    {:tag :html,
 :attrs nil,
  {:tag :head,
   :attrs nil,
   ("\n  " {:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ("Page Title")} "  \n")}
  {:tag :body,
   :attrs nil,
   ("\n  "
    {:tag :div,
     :attrs {:id "wrap"},
     ("\n    "
      {:tag :h1, :attrs nil, :content ("header")}
      "\n    "
      {:tag :p, :attrs nil, :content ("some paragrah text")}
      "\n  ")}


kotarak's response pointed me in the direction of update-in, which I was able to use to modify the map in place without transforming it to a sequence, thus rendering my question irrelevant.

(defn modify-or-go-deeper
  "If item is a map, updates its content, else if it's a string, modifies it"
  (declare update-content)
    (map? item) (update-content item)
    (string? item) (modify-text item)))

(defn update-content
  "Calls modify-or-go-deeper on each element of the :content sequence"
  (update-in coll [:content] (partial map modify-or-go-deeper)))

I was using for on the map before, but update-in is the way to go.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Clojure: partly change an attribute value in Enlive

I have this test.html file that contains:

<div class="clj-test class1 class2 col-sm-4 class3">content</div>

A want to define a template that changes only a part of an html attr value:

(deftemplate test "public/templates/test.html" []
  [:.clj-test] (enlive/set-attr :class (partly-change-attr #"col*" "col-sm-8")))

This would render:

<div class="clj-test class1 class2 col-sm-8 class3">content</div>

Thanks for your help!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Variable HTML template in Enlive

I'm trying to find an 'Enlivonic' way of defining a function that will perform a transformation on a parameterised html template.

In other words, how do I define something like a defsnippet that also takes the template as an argument?

I looked at at, snippet and transformation, but I'm a little lost in the macros :-(

Source: (StackOverflow)

how to reload the template when working with enlive without restar

I am using enlive for my web development. I start my ring server in repl using (serve my-app/handler)

However when I make changes to any of my html templates I have to restart my repl for the changes to show up. How do I reload my markup without restarting the repl ?

Thanks, Murtaza

Source: (StackOverflow)