
microsoft-word interview questions

Top microsoft-word frequently asked interview questions

How to keep selected text highlighted when focus changes in Microsoft Word/Excel

Related to this question: Show cell selection in Excel when not in focus except that my case concerns Microsoft Word.

When I select text or a column/row in Microsoft Word or Excel (2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013) it shows up highlighted like this in Word:

enter image description here

and Excel:

enter image description here

However, when I change focus to another program, the highlighted text is no longer highlighted.

I generally work with 2 monitors, where one monitor contains a document/spreadsheet containing data I need to read, and the other monitor is where I am actually doing work. I will select some text (or cells) to make it stand out amongst the many pages of data, and then switch programs, but the highlighted text is no longer visible.

Is there a permanent solution to this problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I insert text above a table at the top of a Word document?

This seems like it should be so basic, but it apparently isn't very intuitive.

The scenario: (1) I've inserted a table into a new blank MS-Word document. (2) I want to add some text outside and above the table.

The table is butted right up against the top of the document and I can't move the cursor to a point before the table to insert any new text.

I've found that you can do this by cutting the table to the clipboard, type the new text and paste the table back, but there just has to be a more straightforward way to put the cursor at a point before a table that is at the top of a document.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to create a footer with a chapter name and page number?

I'd like a footer that has not only page number, but also the chapter title (heading 1) depending on what chapter the page is in.

How do I add the chapter info to the footer?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get Word 2010 to show more styles than "Heading 1"?

There's no way to select Heading 2 (and higher). Suggestions on how to fix this are welcome.

It doesn't change when I creating documents from other templates.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I add formatted code to a Microsoft Word document?

I need to write a document in MS-Word 2007 that contains a lot of examples of VB.NET and C# code.

What is the best way of getting the code to look reasonable in the document?

What styles etc do people use?

(I do not have time to hand edit/format the code, and would be very happy if it just looked the same as it does in developer studio)

In other works what do people do that are writing programming books, there must be a good automated solution for this...

I would like a way to use word styles sheets to control what the code looks like, but don't wish to have to "select" every keyword etc to set it's style.

see also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/387453/how-do-you-display-code-snippets-in-ms-word-preserving-format-and-syntax-highlig/2653406#2653406

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I set up continuous paging in Word across different sections?


In a document I'm preparing, I have the following sections:

  • Cover page, table of contents, introduction, etc. -- portrait orientation
  • The second section, some challenges -- landscape orientation due to space limitations
  • Third section, some recommendations -- portrait orientation again.

I use section breaks to accomplish the different page orientations.


While the section breaks work well for orientation, it looks like they throw off MS Word's Table of Contents, which starts over at page 0 for each section:

Table of contents, starting at zero for each section


How can I get MS Word Table of Contents to ignore section breaks for the purposes of page numbering, so that I can have continuous numbering of my pages?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a keyboard shortcut to indent a nested bullet point in a table cell the proper way?

Open Word and insert a table (1 x 1 will work just fine).

Right-click in the table and, in the context menu, select "Bullets" and a bullet image from the bullet library.

enter image description here

Type something and press enter.

Type something else, but, instead of clicking enter, right-click and select "Increase Indent"

enter image description here

Notice something else moves into the proper indentation of a nested bullet:

enter image description here

Outside of a Word table, you would simply press tab to get this behavior, but I want a keyboard shortcut (if available) to do this inside the table.

This is what I've tried:

  • Ctrl + Tab: Just indents the text, not the bullet
  • Ctrl + T: Same as Ctrl + Tab
  • Ctrl + M: Indents the text and the bullet but does not change the bullet style

Can this be done outside the right-click context menu?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can text be justified on both the left and right sides of a line in Word?

Is it possible to set Microsoft Word to display some text left-aligned and other text right-aligned on a single line? Here's an example of what I mean (vertical lines represent edges of page):

| Chickens, turkey, geese, pigeon and duck   30 |
| Cows                                      240 |
| Pigs and boar                              83 |
| Sheep                          Not applicable |

The full justify option won't work because I don't want anything in the middle of the lines. The table of contents option has the formatting I want, but only supports page numbers, which does me no good.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Missing the "L" shaped formatting icons in Microsoft Word

I am missing the "L" formatting (or maybe layout) things in Microsoft Word and don't know how to get them back.

Below screenshot I found shows the missing parts in red circles:

word doc with marks

How can I re-enable or show these things? They look like corners of a box.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Syntax highlighting in Microsoft Office Word [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How do I easily highlight the syntax of PHP code in Word?

I need to paste some code (ANSI C) in Microsoft Office Word, and I need some form of syntax highlighting (instead of simply changing the font to Lucida Console)

Is there some sort of addon maybe that will let me highlight code syntax in Microsoft Office Word ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Batch convert Word documents to PDFs

How do I batch convert many Word documents and have them saved as [originalfilename].pdf?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do Microsoft Word and Excel run without any installation?

I was having a discussion on bookmarks in Word with a friend, and he suggested me to check out his implementation of a query in Word. Since I did not have Microsoft Word installed, I told him I don't have Word so I won't be able to test it.

To this, he mentioned that he'll send the executables and it will work - I argued that without an installation this will fail.

I was rather shocked when he sent me the standalone executables and on running them, Word actually launched and I was able to use almost every functionality o_0

How's this possible? I've never installed Microsoft Office on my system, this isn't any "portable" app or VMWare ThinStall ( thanks nhinkle, didn't know about this).

There are absolutely no Microsoft Office related files - except for winword.exe and excel.exe.

Curiously even Microsoft Excel works fine with just the standalone executable.

winword.exe size is about 39 MB, and excel.exe size is just 35kb, which makes it even more strange.

enter image description here

I'm running on Windows XP, the files were from Office 2003.

I was discussing this on Chat prior to posting, here's the conversation

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I update all fields in a Word document?

I want a way of updating all fields in a Word 2013 document. (If it works in other versions, all the better; I originally had this problem with Word 2007, and nothing seems to have changed since then.) This includes cross-references, page numbers, tables of contents, indexes, headers, etc. If it can be updated by pressing F9, I want it updated.

(In theory updating fields can cause other fields to need updating, e.g. a longer table of contents changes some page numbers in the main text. Taking care of the common cases is good enough for me. In fact, it's ok if I have to run the macro two or three times before it stabilizes. I just want to have a single macro that finds everything.)

My attempt so far doesn't update fields in text boxes inside figures. How do I update them, and what else have I missed?

EDIT: Combining the answer given with what I already had gives a macro that seems to update everything (with a known defect).

'' Update all the fields, indexes, etc. in the specified document.
Sub UpdateAllFieldsIn(doc As Document)
    '' Update tables. We do this first so that they contain all necessary
    '' entries and so extend to their final number of pages.
    Dim toc As TableOfContents
    For Each toc In doc.TablesOfContents
    Next toc
    Dim tof As TableOfFigures
    For Each tof In doc.TablesOfFigures
    Next tof
    '' Update fields everywhere. This includes updates of page numbers in
    '' tables (but would not add or remove entries). This also takes care of
    '' all index updates.
    Dim sr As range
    For Each sr In doc.StoryRanges
        While Not (sr.NextStoryRange Is Nothing)
            Set sr = sr.NextStoryRange
            '' FIXME: for footnotes, endnotes and comments, I get a pop-up
            '' "Word cannot undo this action. Do you want to continue?"
    Next sr
End Sub
'' Update all the fields, indexes, etc. in the active document.
'' This is a parameterless subroutine so that it can be used interactively.
Sub UpdateAllFields()
    UpdateAllFieldsIn ActiveDocument
End Sub

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change spelling check language for a Document in Microsoft Word 2010

Usually I use Microsoft Word 2010 to write English documents

Now I'm editing a document of another language, and want to change the spelling check language of this document

This change should not affect other documents (means does not saved by default) so I can work with English documents in the future

Any clue? Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Apply template to an existing Word document file

I have a bunch of really old system manuals that need to be updated, but I can't for the life of me imagine opening each one up and applying the styles, ensuring font remains same, size color, etc.

I have a template saved (header and footer with logo, etc) and want to apply the standard header and footer across multiple documents.


Source: (StackOverflow)