

Scala Language Integrated Connection Kit Slick

How do you update multiple columns using Slick Lifted Embedding?

How do you update multiple columns using Slick Lifted Embedding ? This document doesn't say much.

I expected it to be something like this

Query(AbilitiesTable).filter((ab: AbilitiesTable.type) => ab.id === ability_id).map((ab: AbilitiesTable.type) => (ab.verb, ab.subject)).update("edit", "doc")

Source: (StackOverflow)

scala slick method I can not understand so far

I try to understand some Slick works and what it requires.

Here it an example:

package models

case class Bar(id: Option[Int] = None, name: String)

object Bars extends Table[Bar]("bar") {
  def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)

  // This is the primary key column
  def name = column[String]("name")

  // Every table needs a * projection with the same type as the table's type parameter
  def * = id.? ~ name <>(Bar, Bar.unapply _)

Could somebody explain me what's the purpose of * method here, what is <>, why unapply? and what is Projection - method ~' returns the instance of Projection2?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Upsert in Slick

Is there a way I can neatly do an upsert operation in Slick? The following works but is too obscure/verbose and I need to explicitly state the fields that should be updated:

val id = 1
val now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis)
val q = for { u <- Users if u.id === id } yield u.lastSeen 
q.update(now) match {
  case 0 => Users.insert((id, now, now))
  case _ => Unit

Source: (StackOverflow)

Connection pooling in slick?

Is there an easy way to use a DB connection pool with scala's Slick?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Returning AutoInc ID after Insert in Slick 2.0

I have looked to the ends of the earth for the answer to this question. There is not much info out there on slick 2.0. Below is my code for my Addresses model, how would I have the method create return the id after it made the insert?

package models
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._
import play.api.db.slick.DB

    object Addresses{
      val DB_URL:String = "jdbc:h2:mem:fls-play"
      val DB_driver:String = "org.h2.Driver"
      class Addresses(tag: Tag) extends Table[(String, String, String, String, String)](tag, "ADDRESSES"){
       def id = column[Int]("ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
       def city = column[String]("CITY")
       def stateName = column[String]("STATE_NAME")
       def street1 = column[String]("STREET1")
       def street2 = column[String]("STREET2")
       def zip = column[String]("ZIP")

       def * = (city, stateName, street1, street2, zip)
      val addresses = TableQuery[Addresses]

      def create(city:String, stateName:String, street1:String, street2:String, zip:String) {
        DB.withSession{ implicit session =>
           addresses += (city, stateName, street1, street2, zip)

Thank you!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to write database-agnostic Play application and perform first-time database initialization?

I'm using Slick with a Play Framework 2.1 and I have some troubles.

Given the following entity...

package models

import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._

case class Account(id: Option[Long], email: String, password: String)

object Accounts extends Table[Account]("account") {
  def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
  def email = column[String]("email")
  def password = column[String]("password")
  def * = id.? ~ email ~ password <> (Account, Account.unapply _)

...I have to import a package for a specific database driver, but I want to use H2 for testing and PostgreSQL in production. How should I proceed?

I was able to workaround this by overriding the driver settings in my unit test:

package test

import org.specs2.mutable._

import play.api.test._
import play.api.test.Helpers._

import scala.slick.driver.H2Driver.simple._
import Database.threadLocalSession

import models.{Accounts, Account}

class AccountSpec extends Specification {

  "An Account" should {
    "be creatable" in {
      Database.forURL("jdbc:h2:mem:test1", driver = "org.h2.Driver") withSession {
        Accounts.insert(Account(None, "user@gmail.com", "Password"))
        val account = for (account <- Accounts) yield account
        account.first.id.get mustEqual 1

I don't like this solution and I'm wondering if there is an elegant way to write DB-agnostic code so there are two different database engines used - one in testing and another in production?

I don't want to use evolution, either, and prefer to let Slick create the database tables for me:

import play.api.Application
import play.api.GlobalSettings
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.db.DB

import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
import Database.threadLocalSession

import models.Accounts

object Global extends GlobalSettings {

  override def onStart(app: Application) {
    lazy val database = Database.forDataSource(DB.getDataSource())

    database withSession {

The first time I start the application, everything works fine... then, of course, the second time I start the application it crashes because the tables already exist in the PostgreSQL database.

That said, my last two questions are:

  1. How can I determine whether or not the database tables already exist?
  2. How can I make the onStart method above DB-agnostic so that I can test my application with FakeApplication?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Scala slick query where in list

I am attempting to learn to use Slick to query MySQL. I have the following type of query working to get a single Visit object:

Q.query[(Int,Int), Visit]("""
    select * from visit where vistor = ? and location_code = ?

What I would like to know is how can I change the above to query to get a List[Visit] for a collection of Locations...something like this:

val locationCodes = List("loc1","loc2","loc3"...)
Q.query[(Int,Int,List[String]), Visit]("""
    select * from visit where vistor = ? and location_code in (?,?,?...)

Is this possible with Slick?

Source: (StackOverflow)

can't find method result on TableQuery with slick 3.0.0-RC1

i'm trying out Slick 3.0.0-RC1 and I'm running in to an odd problem.

Such is my code:

import slick.driver.SQLiteDriver.api._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

lazy val db = Database.forURL(
  url = "jdbc:sqlite:thebase.db",
  driver = "org.sqlite.JDBC"

case class Issue(id: Option[Int], name: String)     

class IssueTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Issue](tag, "issue"){
  def id = column[Int]("issue_id", O.PrimaryKey)
  def name = column[String]("name")
  def * = (id.?, name) <> (Issue.tupled, Issue.unapply _)

val issueQuery = TableQuery[IssueTable]

Await.result(db.run(issueQuery.result), Duration.Inf) // This does not compile

"Cannot resolve symbol result"

Now, reading the docs I can't really see why this should fail. Am I missing something here?

Edit: szeiger pointed out that this could be a bug in 'IntelliJ's presentation compiler'. And that was spot on. Very happy with an answer, but IDEA: I'm dissapoint son.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Play action fail with "no suitable driver found" with Slick and PostgreSQL?

I'm writing a Scala web app using Play Framework 2.1.1 using a local Postgres database along with Slick 1.0.0, and I'm running into what seems to be a contradiction here.

This is the error I'm running into:

[SQLException: No suitable driver found for postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/postgres]
57  def instance = Action {
58    Database.forURL("postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/postgres", driver = "org.postgresql.Driver") withSession {
59      val q = Retailer.map(_.name)
60      Ok(views.html.instance(q.list, newRForm))
61    }
62  }

Where user and password are respectively the username and password of the Postgres database.

In java error (No suitable driver found) I found:

  1. You'll need to load the driver somewhere using Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
  2. You'll need the PostgreSQL driver's jar file in the classpath of your program.

In Application.scala I have the following block of code:


Rerunning play compile results in:

(Server started, use Ctrl+D to stop and go back to the console...)

[info] play - database [default] connected at jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
[info] play - Application started (Dev)
class org.postgresql.Driver
[error] application -

! @6ei1nhkop - Internal server error, for (GET) [/instance] ->

play.api.Application$$anon$1: Execution exception[[SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/postgres]]
        at play.api.Application$class.handleError(Application.scala:289) ~[play_2.10.jar:2.1.1]
        at play.api.DefaultApplication.handleError(Application.scala:383) [play_2.10.jar:2.1.1]
        at play.core.server.netty.PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler$$anonfun$17$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler.scala:326) [play_2.10.jar:2.1.1]
        at play.core.server.netty.PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler$$anonfun$17$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler.scala:324) [play_2.10.jar:2.1.1]
        at play.api.libs.concurrent.PlayPromise$$anonfun$extend1$1.apply(Promise.scala:113) [play_2.10.jar:2.1.1]
        at play.api.libs.concurrent.PlayPromise$$anonfun$extend1$1.apply(Promise.scala:113) [play_2.10.jar:2.1.1]
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/postgres
        at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.7.0_21]
        at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.7.0_21]
        at scala.slick.session.Database$$anon$2.createConnection(Database.scala:105) ~[slick_2.10-1.0.0.jar:1.0.0]
        at scala.slick.session.BaseSession.conn$lzycompute(Session.scala:207) ~[slick_2.10-1.0.0.jar:1.0.0]
        at scala.slick.session.BaseSession.conn(Session.scala:207) ~[slick_2.10-1.0.0.jar:1.0.0]
        at scala.slick.session.BaseSession.close(Session.scala:221) ~[slick_2.10-1.0.0.jar:1.0.0]

Then I run play dependencies and the postgres .jar is resolved!

Here are the resolved dependencies of your application:
| ←[32mpostgresql:postgresql:9.1-901-1.jdbc4←[0m         | ←[37mats:ats_2.10:1.0-SNAPSHOT←[0m                     | ←[37mAs postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar←[0m |

Why can't a suitable driver be found?


# Database configuration


import sbt._
import Keys._
import play.Project._

object ApplicationBuild extends Build {

  val appName    = "ats"
  val appVersion = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

  val appDependencies = Seq(
    // Add your project dependencies here, 
    "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick"      % "1.0.0",
    "postgresql"         %  "postgresql" % "9.1-901-1.jdbc4"

  val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
    // Add your own project settings here    

I also have postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar and slick_2.10-1.0.1-RC1.jar in my /lib file, and my local Postgres version from doing a SELECT version(); is 9.2.4 The postgres driver resolution seems to be resolving to the 9.1 .jar though, and when I comment out the app dependency to let /lib be included on its own, /lib doesn't seem to be on Play's CLASSPATH.

I know that the Postgres url is correct, and I'm able to connect to my database when my application first launches.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use SQL "LIKE" operator in SLICK

Maybe a silly question. But I have not found an answer so far. So how do you represent the SQL's "LIKE" operator in SLICK?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Scala Slick Lazy Fetch

I want to be able to fetch all records from a very big table using Slick. If I try to do this through foreach, for or list fetching; I get an Out Of Memory Exception.

Is there any way to use "cursors" with Slick or lazy loading that only fetch the object when needed reducing the amount of memory used?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does Scala Slick translate Scala code into JDBC?

How does Slick translate code such as:

val q2 = for {
  c <- Coffees if c.price < 9.0
  s <- Suppliers if s.id === c.supID
} yield (c.name, s.name)
for(t <- q2) println("  " + t._1 + " supplied by " + t._2)

Into JDBC?

Does it use Scala Virtualized? Does it use some other method?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using .tupled method when companion object is in class

I am in the process of migrating from Slick to Slick 2, and in Slick 2 you are meant to use the tupled method when projecting onto a case class (as shown here http://slick.typesafe.com/doc/2.0.0-RC1/migration.html)

The problem is when the case class has a companion object, i.e. if you have something like this

case class Person(firstName:String,lastName:String) {


Along with a companion object

object Person {
  def something = "rawr"

In the same scope, the tupled method no longer works, because its trying to run tupled on the object, instead of the case class.

Is there a way to retrieve the case class of Person rather than the object, so you can call tupled properly?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make aggregations with slick

I want to force slick to create queries like

select max(price) from coffees where ... 

But slick's documentation doesn't help

val q = Coffees.map(_.price) //this is query Query[Coffees.type, ...]
val q1 = q.min // this is Column[Option[Double]]
val q2 = q.max
val q3 = q.sum
val q4 = q.avg 

Because those q1-q4 aren't queries, I can't get the results but can use them inside other queries.

This statement

for {
  coffee <- Coffees
} yield coffee.price.max

generates right query but is deprecated (generates warning: " method max in class ColumnExtensionMethods is deprecated: Use Query.max instead"). How to generate such query without warnings?

Another issue is to aggregate with group by:

"select name, max(price) from coffees group by name"

Tried to solve it with

for {
  coffee <- Coffees
} yield (coffee.name, coffee.price.max)).groupBy(x => x._1)

which generates

select x2.x3, x2.x3, x2.x4 from (select x5."COF_NAME" as x3, max(x5."PRICE") as x4 from "coffees" x5) x2 group by x2.x3

which causes obvious db error

column "x5.COF_NAME" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

How to generate such query?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to persist enum value in slick

I have the follow enum:

object LoginStatus extends Enumeration() with BitmaskedEnumeration {
  type LoginStatus = Value
  val Active = Value("A")
  val Inactive = Value("I")

I need to persist the value of the enum "A", but when the sql is generated the result is 0. this is the table mapping:

object LoginTable extends Table[Login]("login") {
  def idLogin = column[Int]("idlogin", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
  def cdLogin = column[String]("cdlogin", O.NotNull)
  def cdPass = column[String]("cdPass", O.NotNull)
  def stLogin = column[LoginStatus]("stlogin", O.NotNull, O.DBType("character(1)"))

how to persiste the enum value?

I implemented

implicit val charMapper = MappedTypeMapper.base[Char, String](
    b => b.toString(),
    i => i.charAt(0))

  implicit def enum2StringMapper(enum: Enumeration) = MappedTypeMapper.base[enum.Value, Char](
    b => b.toString.charAt(0),
    i => enum.withName(i.toString))

  implicit val LoginStatusMapper = enum2StringMapper(LoginStatus)

but result in:

[error] c.Login - Invalid value for type int : A

Source: (StackOverflow)