

Shell tests

Can Google Urchin work without reading log files?

I can not get logs from some customers, can I use Google Urchin in this case?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to track anchor tags with Google Analytics

I'm trying to track clicks via Google Analytics that do not result in a new request. Specifically, clicks on tabs that are created via the jQuery UI tabs widget. I'm using the older version of the code ('urchin tracker') and trying to log the clicks like so:

$('.ui-tabs-nav li a').click(function() {
    val = "/tab/" + $(this).attr('href');

    // when uncommented, the following line reports, for example:
    //   /tab/#main
    // as expected.
    // console.log(val);

    res = urchinTracker(val);

The same method works, in another instance, whose only significant difference, as far as I can tell, is the lack of a hash (#) symbol in the string. Is that character not allowed in a string tracked by urchinTracker(), or could there be some other cause (other than no-one having clicked on the links!)?

Source: (StackOverflow)


What is the correct syntax for calling Google Analytics from Dojo 1.7+?

Starting with the upgrade from Dojo 1.6 to 1.7, my site tracking code seems to be throwing an error that I can't resolve. I've compared the API docs for 1.6 and 1.7 and don't see any significant differences.

My original code was a declarative widget near the end of <body>:

<div data-dojo-type="dojox.analytics.Urchin"
    data-dojo-props='acct: "UA-88003-8"'>

I have since tried a programmatic version like this from a script that is loaded manually in <head>:

require(["dojox/analytics/Urchin"], function(ga) {
    var analytics = new ga({acct: "UA-88003-8"});

Either way the error thrown looks something like this:

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'get' a.(anonymous function) ga.js:11 require.cache.dojox/analytics/Urchin._213.trackPageView dojo:15 require.cache.dojox/analytics/Urchin._213.GAonLoad dojo:15 require.cache.dojox/analytics/Urchin._213._gotGA dojo:15 (anonymous function) dojo:15 _310

I am using a custom build of Dojo, but this issue is easily replicated in control environment using stock Dojo libraries. Here is an example on JSFiddle.

What is the correct way to instantiate a GA tracker object using Dojo 1.7?

Source: (StackOverflow)

GA not tracking subdomain which is Google Search Appliance

I have been using Urchin 6 but have just started to use Google Analytics also. I am also using Google Search Appliance for site search.

Search is on a subdomain i.e. www.search.mysite.com

The problem is that Google Analytics is tracking site search as a self-referral. After a lot of reading online I have ended up with the GA code configuration below which should be picking up the search subdomain but it isn’t. Can anyone see anything incorrect about my configuration? - E.g. is the GATC request process order correct

<script type="text/javascript">

  var _gaq = _gaq || [];
  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-xxxxxx-1']);
  _gaq.push(['_setLocalGifPath', '/__utm.gif']);
  _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'mysite.com]);  
  _gaq.push(['_addIgnoredRef', 'mysite.com']);  

  (function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);


I have a suspicion that the issue could lie with the configuration of GA on Google Search Appliance. When you add GA it just asks for the UA code on the XSLT and you send up with the script below on each search page:

<script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">
  _uacct = "UA-xxxxxxx-1";

Could this be the problem or does this code need to change in the XSLT or maybe not?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Source: (StackOverflow)

Set up facebook UrchinTracker for aJax calls for Google Analytics

I have set up the Google Analytics in my FBML facebook application. It works for tracking the php pages. (I can see the report in GA).

However, I also want to track the aJax calls, because most of the pages of my application is ajax driven, rather than loading differnet php pages.

so, that's what I put in the code (before ajax call)


THere is no error return when running the application.

However, when I look at the Google Analytics, I can't find any report showing this is being tracked. I look at the Event tracking.. nothing. I look at the overview, it only shows the php pages statistic.

So, where should I look in Google Analytics? and do I need to set up anything in GA for tracking the ajax call for 'importantpage' ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Redirecting UTM to Original URL

This question was asked once and was closed without asking. I am going to ask again with more clarity in hopes to get answer for the community.

When using UTM tracking to track various campaigns in Google Analytics the following issue surfaces:

  • If someone bookmarks a URL tagged with UTM that indicates it comes from another marketing channel...social and email are great examples.

The desire to redirect the UTM URL to original in this case makes sense....kinda. I mean some people would want to know that the bookmark visits first originated from the campaign.

However some website owners do not and would prefer that the Bookmarked URL is the original URL.

All of this make sense?

Please let me know if I need to clarify further.

Source: (StackOverflow)

scripting in java - javascript from a server-side class file in Java 1.5

I have three types of get requests that are delivered to a class file on web application from a mobile device. Because the mobile device provides no cookies, the log file hit only has

in.ter.nal.ip   ser.ver.i.p:port	2009-06-05	09:14:44	GET	/applicationname/mobiledevicexml	reqtype=login&userid=xx###	200	87	-	MercuryMobile/1.0 CFNetwork/342.1 Darwin/9.4.1	cookieArrayLength=0;

If I can instantiate javascript in my class file, and generate a javascript function call to urchinTracker() from inside the class file, I can replace that useless cookieArrayLength=0; with some useful data urchin can read from the log file into analytics reports. We have been looking at scripting in Java with Rhino; Safari Bookshelf has:

Scripting in JavaTM: Languages, Frameworks, and Patterns

which helped us immediately demo that we can run javascript in class files --this works out-of-the-box on Java 6.

Anyone know any resources for scripting with Rhino on Java 1.5 or 1.4?

Alternately, any suggestions for running javascript from java 1.5 would be appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Easy implementation of UTM Tracking via email

So here is the deal:

I understand UTM tracking very well but am wondering anyones experience with implementation in scenarios where a business has many different email notifications that are sent out on behalf of the website.

My question is simple but the goal is to relay some the needed information to our CTO. Obviously if you use Googles URL builder and were aiming at implementing the UTM manually the tasks required are very straightforward.

However what I am wondering is what would you do in a situation where you have 40 different emails that you want tracked using UTM?

How would one go about this dynamically instead of statically one by one.

Would you just attach the parameters in the email and populate them dynamically?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Urchin counting google access to an intranet?

We have Urchin installed for the server statitics. Our server has an intranet subdomain (of course, banned to the outer access). When I look for the referal of any intranet page, I found that almost half of the access are from "direct[(none)]" and "google[organic]":

  1. "direct[(none)]" access includes bots, direct keyboard access, pdf/documents links... and all of these have the acces banned, and
  2. "google[organic]" access are done through the serach engine that can't acces to index the page nor redirect to that

So, I must conclude that the statistics of Urchin are not faithful. Can anybody confirm that terrible conclusion? Or can anybody explain and correct it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Empty request_query field, no records in Page Query Terms report

I have a problem that I can't find a solution for, even after hours of searching with google. I have an IIS 7.5 installed and Urchin 6 over a SharePoint 2010 application. I have a custom newsletter mechanism, that creates links in messages as follows:


(when user enters the url is being redirected to url 'newslettersrc')

I thought I would be able to trace numbers of people who clicks a link from a newsletter and opens a webpage, by analyzing 'Page Query Terms' report. But I can't find any results there, for pages with name 'newsletter'. Moreover, as I checked using the Urchin form for API testing, value in field request_query for specified request_stem is empty. I also checked IIS logs, where I found that the URL is divided properly into cs-uri-stem and cs-uri-query, as follows:

  • cs-uri-stem:

  • cs-uri-query:


What can be wrong? Other queries, generally some short variables and numeric values are stored properly, So why queries from newsletter are not stored in urchin database? Why, for this request_stems request_queries are empty? Has anyone faced such problem?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards, Tom

Source: (StackOverflow)

Filtering issue with Urchin 6

I have the following filter for one of my profile:

  • filter type: Include Pattern Only
  • filter field: user_defined_variable (AUTO)
  • filter pattern: \[53\]
  • case sensitive: no

In my content, I have the following javascript:

__utmSetVar("various string in here"); 

Now, the issue is that in this profiles, there are files that are showing up in the report that shouldn't. For instance, for a specific profile, in the Webmaster View > Content By Title, a page with the following variable (as seen from the source) shows up :


I have no idea why this is happening. The filter pattern doesn't match thus it shouldn't show up.

Source: (StackOverflow)

web analytics software which can analyze existing log archives too

I am looking for a web analytic solution which can also help me to analyze my existing log files. we are moving from sawmill to other solutions.. explored Google Urchin and it has some limitations on analyzing custom existing logs.

Currently exploring webtrends, but i am not sure if it supports custom log analysis

any ideas??

Source: (StackOverflow)

Urchin call add a custom one time user parameter

I am using urchin for page view analysis. While page load, I would like to add a new custom parameter like along with the other default parameters that urchin sends. Is there any easy way to do it without addint myparam to the request URLs?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Urchin Integration with Asp.net website

I have a Asp.net WebSite.Where in i need to implement(Most Viewed,Most Shared and Most Downloaded) features.We decided to go with URCHIN for the same.I dunno how to start and i googled a lot but did not find any resource regarding this.Can any one Suggest me some links or how to start with.

Waiting for your reply.


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to do Google Analytics for ajax call in Facebook?

I have a FBML game and need to track all ajax calls.

At the bottom of the page, I have this:

and in the javascript functions, I put this:


However, it doesn't work.. and what I found out is that the utmac (the google account id) is empty!!! _uacct is empty!

even I set it in the FBML, it is still empty!! and I can't find a way to dynamically set _uacct be my google account ID.. any one has any idea?

Source: (StackOverflow)